Baby Naming and Circumcision

The arrival of a new baby is a cause for great celebration.  At Beit Or v’Shalom we offer several ways to recognize your simchah.

Both boys and girls can be brought into a service where they can be publicly named and welcomed and receive a blessing; this can take place on a Saturday morning during the months after birth.

For boys, many families also choose to observe the ancient ritual of Brit Milah (the “bris”), or male circumcision, between eight days and a month after birth. 

Queensland law recognizes that circumcision is a surgical procedure and requires that only a registered medical practitioner perform it; we therefore conduct the religious ceremony separately, but usually on the same day as the doctor’s appointment, often at the family home.  Celebrating in this manner does not prevent you bringing your son to a service during the following weeks or months to be publicly welcomed and blessed.

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