
There are four areas where Jewish remains can be buried at Mt Gravatt Cemetery.

Two of these are the Jewish Lawn Cemetery, used for burial with a plaque to mark each gravesite, and the Memorial Garden for the interment of ashes. These are situated at the rear end of Lawn 9, Mt Gravatt Cemetery (Download map) (Download Detailed Map), which is accessed via 582 Mains Road, Mt Gravatt.

The other two Jewish areas are monumental cemeteries where all graves are required to have a full headstone.  Halachic Jews can be buried in Section 4C(i); other Jews (including Progressive converts) can be buried in Section 4C(ii).  Funerals leading to burial in these sections are conducted in the adjoining Jewish chapel under the auspices of the Brisbane Chevra Kaddishah, using an officiant of your selection in consultation with the Chevra Kaddishah.

Lawn Cemetery & Memorial Garden

Monumental Cemetery

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